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Informator No. 16-17 - Jan-feb. 2007
Култура / Culture

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In 2006 at the request of the authorized institutions for protection of museum objects, library and film archives goods, and also at the request of individuals and legal entities had issued: 9 approvals for temporary relocation abroad of protected goods, 68 certificates for relocation of unprotected goods and 166 certificates for export of unprotected goods.

For the purpose of presentation at cultural manifestations abroad in 2006 were temporary relocated protected goods and namely: old books from the XVI and XX centuries, contemporary works of art, graphic foils on icons, terracotta ocarina, the Macedonian documentary film “Leopold Sedar Sengor” and fragments from the film work of the Manaki brothers.

Subject of temporary relocation abroad were 1154 unprotected movable goods: paintings, prints, mosaics, photographs, folk costumes, contemporary coins and banknotes, in order to be presented at different exhibitions, folk events and fairs in many European countries and other countries of the world.


In 2006 from Republic of Macedonia were permanently exported 585 unprotected movable goods, out of which: 359 paintings, 21 wood-carved objects, 42 icons, 7 copies of terracotta icons, 2 sculptures, 1 copper engraving, 26 folk costumes, 106 coins-copies, 14 rings-copies, 3 crosses-copies, 3 ceramic objects, 20 objects of contemporary jewellery.


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